The Mythology of the Individuate Church

 The Individuate Church uses for the initiations and ceremonies of its order various deity forms and spiritual concepts. In this blog post, you will find a handy collection of the Mythology of the Individuate Church.

Enki Invents Love

"Pin Gu In" - a Chrystal City Myth

Chrystal City Myths

Eschillion Myths

"Eschillion Key" - novel length time travel bible of Chrystal City

The early history of the Eschillion Guard called Pit

Free Form Role Playing Settings, of interest to students of the "City Building" technique in the Essays section:

Al Andalus


"Character Classes" from my Free Form Role Playing Material, also of interest to students of "City Building," & connected to the Individuate Myths:

the Individuates, Secret Society of Chrystal City              "IC"

the Blooded

the Djin

buli Magi


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