
Collection of Original Sketches


Short Stories

These are my original short stories. Most of them are strange, leaning toward the categories of some form of horror, science fiction, or fantasy.   published fiction "Psy Mission" - published in Blood Moon Rising Magazine Issue #89 "Things That Are Sticky" - published in a now-dead online magazine called the Circle "Juliana Says" - an edited version published in the Stretching Forms section of Word Riot "Boy Bob" published in Elements, Volume 12, My Atlee High lit rag "Melvin's Progression" - published in MetaStellar "The Tragedy of Jonathon" - published in Piker Press "Agarial's Plight" - published in the Lothlorien Poetry Journal "City of Peter" - published in the Freezine of Fantasy and Science Fiction unpublished fiction "The discomfort will not last" "Burning Bugs" "Ripping Through Doors" "The Mountain Fell" "Freedom Killed the Witch" "Kend...

Original Poetry

published poems " the Golden Third Eye " - published in the Freezine of Fantasy and Science Fiction  A Collection - "Beating on a window" from this collection featured in Pond 75  of Spank the Carp other poems to Betsy! "Ambiguous Sitting" "A Beastly Wurld" (lengthy)

The Mythology of the Individuate Church

 The Individuate Church uses for the initiations and ceremonies of its order various deity forms and spiritual concepts. In this blog post, you will find a handy collection of the Mythology of the Individuate Church. Enki Invents Love "Pin Gu In" - a Chrystal City Myth Chrystal City Myths Eschillion Myths "Eschillion Key" - novel length time travel bible of Chrystal City The early history of the Eschillion Guard called Pit Free Form Role Playing Settings, of interest to students of the "City Building" technique in the Essays section: Al Andalus Borgus "Character Classes" from my Free Form Role Playing Material, also of interest to students of "City Building," & connected to the Individuate Myths: the Individuates, Secret Society of Chrystal City                "IC" the Blooded the Djin buli Magi

Essays of the Individuate Church

  Essays of the Individuate Church City Building War Engine      Martial "Arts" Probability   Fairness and Loyalty     Loyalty Culping essays to be read immediately after "Fairness and Loyalty" Loyalty Based Offenses   (anyone's definition)  - these two works taken into account, advised that objective calculations of fairness and loyalty replace concern over the emotionalism and prejudice of slang definitions. Selfish & Selfless Advantage Exploring Amoralism What elite psychics might do if invaded A homophobe said, "Next, beastiality!" Anarchy the rest of the Essays Evidence of Psychic Phenomenon   Astral Networking   &  the Rank System of the Anarchist Military of the Individuate Church Learn to Scry The big questions Unlocking Scriptures An Explanation of Hallucinations on Psychedelics The Book Tradition as an Egyptian Initiation How to Turn Invisible, and Related Psychic Powers Individuate Will Love Under Will On the...

Introducing the Individuate Church

 Welcome to the Individuate Church, a school of enlightenment with various essays, fictions, and poetry relevant to this purpose, and two complete systems of initiation. All writings produced by the Individuate Church may be reproduced free by anyone so long as they are included in complete form with credit provided KB Updike Jr and the Individuate Church. An Individuate, a member of the Individuate Church, is anyone whom takes the name with an interest in consciousness expansion as grounded in the study of psychology and psychiatry. The name is inspired by Carl Jung's individuation process, but while familiarization with Jung's body of work will assist one in understanding the teachings of this society, it is not necessary, and the scope of the teachings is far more diverse than just Jung. The first system of consciousness expansion designed by the Individuate Church is an ascent of the 8 circuit model, wherein the four lower circuits are faced first and hopefully purified of ...