Welcome to the Individuate Church, a school of enlightenment with various essays, fictions, and poetry relevant to this purpose, and two complete systems of initiation. All writings produced by the Individuate Church may be reproduced free by anyone so long as they are included in complete form with credit provided KB Updike Jr and the Individuate Church. An Individuate, a member of the Individuate Church, is anyone whom takes the name with an interest in consciousness expansion as grounded in the study of psychology and psychiatry. The name is inspired by Carl Jung's individuation process, but while familiarization with Jung's body of work will assist one in understanding the teachings of this society, it is not necessary, and the scope of the teachings is far more diverse than just Jung. The first system of consciousness expansion designed by the Individuate Church is an ascent of the 8 circuit model, wherein the four lower circuits are faced first and hopefully purified of ...